For crockpot meals freeze your food in icecube trays and then bag.
To save money on pans, buy a few heavy duty reusable foil pans to use as molds. Line them with heavy duty tin foil. Crinkle edges of foil down. Fill pan with food and freeze. Just remove frozen brick in tin foil, bag and bring!
When freezing something you don't want to stick together (i.e. burritos, potsticker, etc.) flash freeze them by laying them out on a cookie sheet and freezing them like that for 1-2 hours, then bag.
Use muffin tins to freeze portion sizes of casserole, enchilada fillings, sandwich fillings...anything you want in individual portion sizes!
Hey gals...Since we already have a Mexican dish (yum) I'll switch mine up for this month. Not sure what yet, but it will be yummy!